Thursday, September 4, 2008

Invader Zim Acrostic Poem


In general, management refers to all those cultural practices, physical or manuals that are due to perform with or fish to get adequate physical development thereof. Also, we note, in the management of farming those tasks to perform for the proper functioning of the pond and good water quality which are held for the production of fish.

For easy to get a good production of fish, it is necessary to divide the time of the prime or fattening of fish in three sub periods, to say: The age or stage of Pre-breeding, Season Ongrowing I and II fattening period.

In each era of production are carried out specific management tasks, both with fish as the pond and the waters thereof.

If necessary you could write in this great chapter administrative work, health, production and marketing, reproduction and all efforts to run for the development of fish and fish overall company. But to avoid confusion each subject recorded can be analyzed as individual chapters.

Thus, one can note that for time of the Pre-breeding must perform the following duties: Preparation of ponds, seeding of fry, fingerlings and management work of the fish company .

Preparation of ponds:

a. Adequacy of walls and floor. is important that once a semester or at the time of draining the pond, after harvest, then a review of the pond walls as the floor, and correct the slope of the wall or any cracks that are presented. Being able to correct the faults with soil cement or sand and cement or clay or cow dung more mud.

b. Adequacy of channels and filters. channels capture and drain water from the ponds require a correction of its slopes, uneven or slopes, removing the vegetation that was born, in general cleaning. The channel filters in the water harvesting should be removed stones and gravel have been deposited there to be washed and disinfected for re-accommodate. filter "cleaning drainage water" should be to remove and place the pieces of gravel and sand that there exist. If so, you must place new material.

c. Adequacy of the pipe. The water inlet pipe to the pond should have a cone-shaped mesh, hang enough to trap debris or material that is past the filter and try to reach the pond earlier this tube clean and disinfect with iodine or chlorine product or cleaned with liquid detergent.

As for the pond drain pipe must be installed and verify that it has been in good position and not take the risk of falling or slack and produce a leak.

If necessary, you should get new material.

d. Clean the pond. As a whole pond surface should be free of stones, sticks or vegetation. The floor must be smooth.

e. pond disinfection. This matter must consider the health problems of the previous batch fish, because if there was a very high mortality and if the causes of diseases were not in the pond with a good dose of sun is enough to achieve disinfection. (Five to eight days of sunshine a spinal level). also serves to accelerate the process of mineralization of the pond floor.

Yes, the case is, by the presence of dragonfly larvae, known as Odonata, is fundamental to a commercial insecticide spraying, leave for a day that I played and then "wash" the pond

Yes, the case is, presence of fungi and / or bacteria affecting the fish of the previous batch, granulated chlorine can be applied at a rate of 5 grams per pump back and / or mixed with 20 cc of formalin.

f. Apply lime. Usually Colombia soils are acidic, which makes it necessary to control this acidity should, before filling the pond and of course, long before the fish plant, for which, can be made with lime agricultural in amount of 100 to 300 grams per square meter depending on whether strong or not the degree of soil acidity. This serves agricultural lime only in dry soil or in ponds that have been well drained.

For poorly drained or flooded ponds are recommended to apply lime at a rate of 80 grams per square meter.

we can use lime as a disinfectant to control bacteria, fungi, insects, eggs and larvae.

g. Fill water tank. Four to five days before stocking of fish should be to fill the pond with the intention of the dragonfly do not put your eggs in the pond and produce the larvae, Odonata, specialized animal prey fish fry stage.

h. Fertilizing the pond. At the time of pond preparation for planting of fingerlings should be to fertilize pond you to have good food available to fish.

suitable fertilizer depends on the availability of the farm and taste of the producer, so, as can use of organic fertilizers, ie from animal and chemical fertilizer or inorganic.

At this stage you can apply, therefore, organic manure and the chemical across the pond because the fish have not even no risk of an "overdose" as applied. For periods where there is already stocked fish, organic manure should be applied in fiber bags and the entry level of the water, in order to fertilize slowly around the pond and the oxygen is not consumed in a the rapid degradation of organic matter, which leads to fish die or feel suffocated.

Where to test the turbidity of the water and is recommended to fertilize the pond, can be applied: organic fertilizer. Chicken, 100 grams; Porcinaza, 150 grams; Bovinaza, 200 grams or Worm, 50 grams per square meter all with repeated every 15 days, if warranted the pond. Inorganic fertilizer. Superphosphate, Triple 15 or 10-30-10 or urea, is required between 15 and 20 grams per square meter, each month.

Alevinos Seeding:

1. Alevinos Achievement. must buy fish from a fish known in the area, showing quality of their players, their work and ensure biological and genetic quality of the fish to fatten.

Preferably that the fries do not travel more than six hours. (Even if they are in good supply of oxygen and protected from light and heat, can last over 12 hours).

must come from a uniform color, not stained or discolored, or malformed, or stressed, or dead, to show vibrancy, bright-bodied animals, swimming in groups and difficult to capture.

2. Alevinos Hosting. Welcome fish, preferably in the early hours of the morning to watch all day and if necessary address any abnormality present with fish.

At the time of arrival of the fish should observe the mood of detailing their physical condition, their behavior, abnormal fish, if the bags contain enough oxygen or if they a problem.

3. Fish Acclimation. should be placing the bags of fish in the pond (on the surface of the water.) There remain for a period of 20 minutes, the purpose is that the water containing the fish stock and acquire the temperature of pond water.

then proceeds to open the bags, which are bent outward to the edge to continue floating. After about 15 minutes, water is added stock pond at a rate almost equal to the amount of water in the bag. Letting another 15 minutes and must deposit the fish in the pond, so it is tilted the bags allowing the fish go swimming on their own and thus are expected to experience the kitten of stress that causes this whole process.

4. protection against predators. have to protect young fish from predators especially birds such as herons and kingfishers, for it is placed on the surface of water, without the touch and about 20 centimeters tall, anti-bird mesh, mesh can be shed for chickens, black, plastic and a 2 cm eye. The mesh should skirt the pond and onto the floor at the entrance wall of water, covering a third of the pond. Should be left for about 2 months, at which the fish are big enough, strong and agile to avoid being captured by these birds.

5. Care to fry. should not be feeding the first day, were observed during the first two hours to determine the behavior of fish in the pond during the day will be to record the fish adapt to the new environment.

6. planting density. is given by the replacement of water and the ability to oxygenate pond water as well as the type of crop that is desired.

a. Monoculture. For M 2: Red Tilapia Cachama 4 fish or white fish or Jammu 1.5 2 fish.


polyculture : 4 red tilapia fish / M 2 Pacu and 1 fish / 5 M 2 goldfish and 1 / 10M 2. If you have more spare you can up to double the density, otherwise it should decrease the number of fish and if necessary will take into account the weight of the animal to handle the total biomass per cubic meter of water.

Alevinos Handling:

· Open record book. keeping began production data from the batch of fish that were just planted and were handled in the next six months. Among the records go, this one, the daily food consumption, daily mortality, the record production performance.

· programming work. Once planted fish should make the planning of daily tasks, weekly and monthly the next six months, to be clear about what you want done and what needs to be taken each time.

Work Fish Company:

v daily work. Observing pond, Verification of water quality, removal of supernatants, Cleaning the water inlet filters, fish feeding, predator control, Carry data production records, control of mortality, withdrawal and burial of dead fish.

v Work Week. Clean the drain filter, cleaning the warehouse, planning next week's work, requests from food, cleaning the area gutted.

v Biweekly Work: Making sampling of fish, the diet adjustment, Analysis of production records, arrangement of green areas between tanks, cleaning the edges of the pond, cleaning catch channel and drain water.

v Work Monthly: Production Report, Planning work, arrangement of screens and fish around the unit.

v Work Semester: fish stocking, fish harvest, arrangement of the walls and floor of the pond, Evaluation of fish harvested, Projection next planting, cleaning and disinfection of filter stones, Pre4paracion the pond for a new cycle.

For fattening stages I and II fattening, fish handling, basically the same as in the previous stage, taking a small change in the type of feed.

Production parameters of each stage

For ease in handling the red tilapia, and production systems on a single tank, ie the place where fish are grown right there is reap, after six months. It is divided into stages to adjust rations and food type to be supplied.



fattening I

fattening II

Number of Days




Initial Weight

1 gram

100 grams

260 grams

Final Weight

100 grams

260 grams

600 grams


30 to 50 fish / M 2

10 to 12 fish / M 2

5 to 6 fish / M 2

% Mortality




% Protein Feed

45 to 38%

30 to 24%



1: 1.2

1: 1.6

1: 2.5

Growth in average

1.39 grams

2.27 grams

3.43 grams


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