Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Have An Old Type Premium Savings Bond

Conference and dialogues with Marcela Lagarde. Your pictures of the meeting

Opening Day

Rafael Perez, Maria Silvestre, Jeanne Lagarde Balmaseda and

Marcela Lagarde

Debate and dialogue, coordinated by Norma Vázquez

Lagarde and Norma Vázquez

Any inquiry about the Conference with Marcela can direct it to the address

Hydroxicut After And Before

assessments of the Day "With good cheer, ni + ni. Viiolencia educate and prevent gender-"

After a timeout, I convey the results of the assessments completed in the Seminar held on 22 April.

have given 60 reviews (accounting for 55% and assistants), in which:

- We have given a good mark, 4.2 out of 5 is the score that have given to the Congress in general.
- 83% have considered that the Day has significantly increased your motivation to work with youth on gender violence.
- We also have given an upper-middle note Day as a key to understand and cope better with this task (3.9 out of 5).
- As to the materials presented, 81% give high marks to the form of material and 76% to content.


addition to thanking the efforts and enhance the quality of the Week, you encourage us to create new spaces for reflection and training and to do so taking into account these considerations:

1) to Local more capacity
2) More time, more extensive day and rest:

• For power deeper into key and intervention strategies to better explain the displays.
• More time to Pilar Sampedro to hear more about the emotional equality.

3) is requested to organize new activities that address:
• The detection of abuse in adolescence and adulthood
· The causes of gender violence among young

4) Generate a list of participating organizations to exchange experiences and materials

5) Possibility of adding some young people in the conference for us to pass on their experiences in the field

6) The assessment sheet have missed some section to evaluate the presentations and speakers.

can tell you that the material is considerable interest among those that you could not go to the Congress for lack of space, you are many / os who have already come to pick it up by Sortzen.

We will collect your recognition and your suggestions for further work and, for later, to convene a new meeting training and reflection.

A cordial greeting

Standard Quarry Itziar Vázquez
And all the partners of the Women's Service Module and Sortzen.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Clear A Program On My Noma Thermostat

Director General of SENA discussion with learners made the Atlantic Regional

The event took out in the city of Barranquilla, on the premises of Combarranquilla See Boston, and was the appropriate place for trainees of different training centers, parents and staff interact with SENA Darío Montoya Mejía on different topics.

During the conversation, Montoya Mejía showed the changes that have taken the organization during the past eight years, during which has been the manager of it.

Similarly, the Director General took the opportunity to tell the 600 people who, today, SENA is one of the most beloved institutions Colombians, due in large part to shape the way their apprentices, who are ready to transfer their knowledge in the real job market and is no longer an institution that is based on the offer, but a response that anticipates the needs of communities and productive sectors.
turn, noted that SENA is an organization that promotes the values \u200b\u200bof entrepreneurship, leadership, solidarity, critical thinking constructive and free thought, in addition to partnerships, answers and projects, with the previous premises of the institution.
"Al SENA poor one can enter, but get rich because the doors are open. At present, graduates of the institution has all the privileges and technologies to succeed. For example, partnerships have been implemented have allowed an institution that exists in all municipalities in Colombia. Before, companies did not want to SENA today are scrambling to work with it, "said Montoya Mejía.
The manager stressed that during these years of management, all the achievements and positive changes that have had the Seine, are the result of support and unconditional support National Government and the President of the Republic, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, who has always encouraged the autonomy of the institution.

Claim Against Unpaid Rent Bgb

With the use ICT, trainees organized the elections 'leader of leaders "to choose their spokespersons

This initiative was established by young people who make up the program Analysis and Development of Information Systems and Services Trade Centre, in order to have 2 apprentices representing the interests of this training center effectively and efficient.
"The main function of these spokespersons are elected annually at our center is to be intermediaries between the community and the parties SENA administrative and managerial, as they are the ones who ultimately have a direct contact with same, "said Nimia Rosales, leader of the Apprentice Welfare Trade Center and Services.

For the first time, these choices become a space where trainees of the various programs involved and integrated into a single decision is made electronically, because of the work young people developed this program in the implementation of suitable software for this purpose.
Apprentices worked for a month in the development of a format of the free programs including PHP, Java and MySQL database used for voter registration and election process.
"Because that the center has several alternative sites, there was a need to decentralize the process to ensure fairness between candidates. Therefore, developed a web site or software to make the contests in each venue, without neglecting the guarantees required for this type of event, "said Eduardo Cano, instructor of the program analysis and development of Information Systems Trade Center and Services.
the end of the process, participants of the 4 trainees, were elected Harold Gomez of Accounting and Finance program and Jorge Bolaño Business Administration program, who belong to the CEAS home (Educational Corporation Advanced Systems), Centre for Trade and Services.
Finally, Bolaño Gómez and work hand in hand by the spokespersons of each training program to address concerns and strengthen proposals to improve the problems in the middle.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rectal Prolapse In My Hamster

In the Trade and Services, trainees performed the' Mothers 'Meeting SENA'

with an emotional celebration that was done to honor the mothers of the apprentice training center, youth program Markets Management Technologist developed this event implement their skills in managing business contacts public relations, logistics, planning and organizing the event.

"For the first time in the night-time trainees carry out a meeting like this. They wanted to offer a tribute to all her friends who have children and while studying to get ahead, "said Belkis Polo, specialty instructor Management Business Contacts.
During the celebration, which had booths to promote products for companies recognized were raffles, presentation singing and delivery details from the organizers. In addition, the dance group entertained the meeting with different dances and choreography.

Friday, May 14, 2010

How Many Inches Is Hymen

Army gave recognition to Deputy Director of the Trade and Services

For their support and outstanding commitment to members of the military to certify their skills in various programs that offer training center, the General of the Second Brigade Mechanized Infantry of the Army, Juan Bautista Yepes Bedoya, presented the 'Shield of the Brigade ", Monica Cecilia Abuchaibe Abuchaibe.
"The Army gives me this award for all the support generated through the agreement we have with the national armed forces. This has allowed our center to develop permanent training activities in the city. On the other hand, are grateful because they feel that the work he is doing with his soldiers SENA is excellent, as they prepare us to be linked to new jobs when they leave pensioners, "she said.

In 2009, the Trade Center was formed as part of this agreement, 650 members of the Army, Navy, Air Force and National Police. In this first half of 2010 were up 600 in additional courses and programs' Logistics Operations' and 'Prehospital Care. " In addition, 300 agents Antonio Nariño School are linked to the program "Discovery Inglés On Line '.