Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mount And Blade Wedding Dance Costumes_a

Dimples 07 - November - 2010 the excuse (1955 m.)

The Pisapraos in Escusa.
This march was organized by the Mountain Blackbird Group (Sotillo de la Adrada).
Casillas We leave from the pool of Manoteras (1012 m.), towards Puerto de Casillas (1461 m.), across the track leading to the top of the Port, arriving one hour later.
Once in Puerto de Casillas, we turn to our left to take the rope that will lead to Slate to continue to Berrueco (1815 m.). Le border by his right side to grab the rope again and move towards the Escusa (1955 m.).
begin the decline in direction again to descend to a Berrueco Piornal lead us to the Collado de las Vacas, from here we take a path to our left that will finally lead to the starting point .

As not all go and thanks Sotillo's companions, we also enjoy great potatoes with chanterelles and ribs and then enjoy a delicious puddings from the earth, all washed down with a good bleeding .


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