The next day, December 16 present the campaign time female, on a day when will reflect and debate on the need and difficulty facing women when appropriate a time for yourself.
In this day will be presented and distributed free
the 2011 Women's Agenda "My time is mine"
y se presentarán los Talleres "El tiempo en femenino",
que tendrán lugar a lo largo del año 2011.
the 2011 Women's Agenda "My time is mine"
y se presentarán los Talleres "El tiempo en femenino",
que tendrán lugar a lo largo del año 2011.
Bertan gogoeta eta eztabaida egingo da emakumeek dituzten beharra eta zailtasunez euren denboraz jabetze aldera.
Program Summary
Horrez gain, “ Neure denbora neurea da ” Emakume Agenda 2011 aurkeztuko da eta, baita, “Denbora emakumezko ahotsean”, 2011. urtean zehar garatuko den lantaldea ere
Program Summary
- 11.00 "moving time ..." Norma Vázquez
- 12:00 Inauguration. Maria Silvestre. Begoña Ortuondo.
- 12:20 "Just in time: time management agency itself" Maite Mateos
- 12:45 Presentation and distribution of the Agenda for 2011 "My time is mine." Itziar Cantera
- 13:15 Dialogue
Here you can view the brochure in detail: (click above to enlarge)
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