Sunday, November 21, 2010

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Mexico with Topolino! San Pedro

Much time has passed since the last notice after running the Cascada de San Pedro, I went to Rafa and all children in Mexico City, where they grab the plane that night. After a big party, everyone started leaving for home, I was the only one who stayed. Rafa took me into his home for a few days until I decided to go for the North to see my friend Jorge in Ciudad Valles.

Xilitla The beautiful people.
After a night of truck arrived at my destination, I have been living with him and his family for the past 2 weeks, thank you very much for everything! After paddling the lower section of monkeys and Tampaon (two rivers easy class II / III) we went with my friend Isidro to run the top section of the Toro and Micos cascades. Once up
Beautiful views in the Put-In Micos cascades.
Isidro del Toro decided to rappel and take me out video from below while I was determined to run it, I gave him a scouting from above that was definitely not enough. The line looked easy and uncomplicated, a ramp of about 5 or 6 meters just a leap of 8, I did not see was that the boil was nonexistent. So without much thought as I saw Isidro prepared, I got on my Nomad and pabajo namas!
The Toro damn! Slide
right on the line he wanted to go, passed without Boof kicker, air scoop and my whole body was covered with forward grasping the strength to absorb the impact and just before recepcionar I was a little side pot, enough to receive the greatest impact on my life, my knee is out of place with the beat and I opened the cover, put it back to the site and I roll with hands, immediately noticed that something was wrong. I felt a terrible pain on the right side of the pelvis and my gut, I left my kayak as I could and there was stretched in the water unable to move from pain. Soon it came Isidro worried, I thought it was just a coup and that the time would be nice .... Nothing is further from reality, the pain was increasing and decreasing my mobility, so I got in my kayak to cross over the river where he could leave, but not before having to run a slide of about 2 meters over to kill me ... morphine
Dame! Ali intensive care!
Isidro ran up the stairs to the road there with my kayak, while I was suffering as a grandpa and every step he grabbed the railing. Isidro then ran one whole section Micos jumping to catch the car that was at the end of the falls. We drove to the Valley Hospital, where after an x-ray said I had a large bruise on the joint of the femur and hip, 7 days of bed rest and could normal life again. It has been almost 3 weeks and the pain is still there ... if I can do normal life, but nowhere near kayaking ...
Isidro El Salvador, thanks wacho!
So during this time I used to do some sightseeing, transport them to the kids, take a good cello and bathe in some places Cojonudos!
Marina rope flying Topolino. Haha
fucking asshole!
Aniol schedulle running.
From left. to right: Topin, Isidro, Marina and Nina by
a good run in cascades of Micos.
Rats having fun!

Isidro set a good Pedro Oliva.

Navy, quebequiense craziest!

Topin very style!

Bonito mural in the town of Xilitla.

Pools is an artistic whole architectural and surrealist sculpture created by a gringo named Edward James, built between 1960 and 1970 as his home, built in the middle of the jungle, waterfalls and natural pools. Most buildings do not serve a utilitarian purpose, have an area of \u200b\u200bno less than 320,000 m2, is an incredibly beautiful and spectacular site.
The entrance to the madness!
Aniol of this special place.

Nina Edward's bed!

Topolino and Aniol
enjoying these beautiful pools of clear water!

Beautiful sunset in Ciudad Valles

I hope the pain soon and I spent to kayaking as strong as ever, but so far I have purchased a return ticket for the December 30, my intention was to continue my trip to Costa Rica, through Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, but neither luck nor I have money accompanied this time .... The next is good!

All photos by David Topin, thanks!

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Time on women "and distribution of Agendas 2011" my time is mine "

The next day, December 16 present the campaign time female, on a day when will reflect and debate on the need and difficulty facing women when appropriate a time for yourself.

In this day will be presented and distributed free
the 2011 Women's Agenda "My time is mine"
y se presentarán los Talleres "El tiempo en femenino",
que tendrán lugar a lo largo del año 2011.

Bertan gogoeta eta eztabaida egingo da emakumeek dituzten beharra eta zailtasunez euren denboraz jabetze aldera.
Horrez gain, Neure denbora neurea da Emakume Agenda 2011 aurkeztuko da eta, baita, “Denbora emakumezko ahotsean”, 2011. urtean zehar garatuko den lantaldea ere

Program Summary
  • 11.00 "moving time ..." Norma Vázquez
  • 12:00 Inauguration. Maria Silvestre. Begoña Ortuondo.
  • 12:20 "Just in time: time management agency itself" Maite Mateos
  • 12:45 Presentation and distribution of the Agenda for 2011 "My time is mine." Itziar Cantera
  • 13:15
  • Dialogue

Here you can view the brochure in detail: (click above to enlarge)

is necessary to send the registration form before December 14

Click here to download the registration form

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mount And Blade Wedding Dance Costumes_a

Dimples 07 - November - 2010 the excuse (1955 m.)

The Pisapraos in Escusa.
This march was organized by the Mountain Blackbird Group (Sotillo de la Adrada).
Casillas We leave from the pool of Manoteras (1012 m.), towards Puerto de Casillas (1461 m.), across the track leading to the top of the Port, arriving one hour later.
Once in Puerto de Casillas, we turn to our left to take the rope that will lead to Slate to continue to Berrueco (1815 m.). Le border by his right side to grab the rope again and move towards the Escusa (1955 m.).
begin the decline in direction again to descend to a Berrueco Piornal lead us to the Collado de las Vacas, from here we take a path to our left that will finally lead to the starting point .

As not all go and thanks Sotillo's companions, we also enjoy great potatoes with chanterelles and ribs and then enjoy a delicious puddings from the earth, all washed down with a good bleeding .

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conference" Gender system and influence of sexism in men and women "

The Women's Service Module Psychosocial Deusto - San Inazio
organized a conference to be held 29 and November 30 ,
to be held in the Auditorium School of Education of Bilbao.

"Gender sexismoaren system Eragin gizon eta zein emakumeengan" -
"gender system and influence of sexism in men and women"

featured presentations Merche Bengoechea and Jose Angel Lozoya
and conducting workshops.

To register, you must submit the registration form before the day
November 20.
Through ,
Counseling or the School of Education.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jenna Jameson Lesbian Pierced Nipple

Trade and Service Center participated in the second version of 'Expoeducación 2010' port of Cartagena

For three days the body was present in this exhibition of technical institutions, and technological and human development work was carried out based Comfamiliar North.

According Atlantic Regional Director of SENA, Jorge Luis Restrepo Name, it is essential that the institution participating in such spaces, as the SENA is a leader in the training process.

"We are an organization that sets the pattern for other institutions. We played a fundamental role in the policies, guidelines and strategies for education and contribute to the development of regions, "added Restrepo Name.

For its part, Viviana Hernandez, head of Corporate Relations and Services Trade Centre, said the entity's participation in such fairs is very important because it makes known its training programs and guides students to link to it.

In 'Expoeducación 2010' also held a table with representatives of technical institutions, technological and labor and human development.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pinky Brown Discharge Week Before Period

01 - November - 2010 Laguna Grande

Well, we finally have here the first snowfall of the season and Pisapraos could not miss this appointment with snow and show that this entails.
To this end early in the morning we were trying to give a ride if the weather permitted.
In usual place people with the above photographed us, because there were some who saw the weather of the day, they decided (rather poor criterion) stay in bed and that those who missed that we gave them the courtesy typical minute.
But ours, they missed.
Above photo (for people smart and imagination) of the Barrerones Pisapraos all Gredos peaks in the background.

The group, once the proa Pozas, road Fountain The Diggers .

Fog puts us over, but our spirit is stronger climber than a day under adverse conditions and continue our march deliberate pace.

reach the source of the Diggers .

Height of Barrerones .

Lowering the direction of the Rock Lightning.

Without Words.

We make no pause, and continue our march to reach the shelter as soon as possible .

Arrival at the Laguna Grande .

The Laguna step gets a bit complicated and need to do some balance to avoid falling into the water.

throat passage before reaching the Refugio .

For lunch, we go into the shelter as the cold is intense and there at least will be protected.
For those who missed and to give them envy, I will tell you that day we had the usual coffee, chocolates and more as it was November 1 as some colleagues (Is that they are at all) took the usual donuts and nataaaaaa cremaaaaa.
A place that you long teeth.

has always been said (do not know if I said my mother or popular sayings), that a good reporter has to have your camera ready to capture the moment, in this case would be the time of falling one into the throat and freshen up a bit, but nothing is further from the truth.
The only intention is to reflect at all times, the difficulties and vicissitudes of marches to do once the moment, to remember it.
But I must also apostille if we put one foot in the water (you remember NAVAMEDIANA LUIS A CHRISTMAS) as a laugh and we then tend socks and pants to dry .

With a full stomach, for the sandwiches and donuts, we started way back but the weather had improved, although at all times our hope that it would open a little day.

measuring the amount of snow that had fallen .

The march is coming to an end, and all I remember is that we have already made contact with the snow and the mountain good day we've been .