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TIPS How to Unclog Drains
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TIPS How to Unclog Drains
, toilets and clogged drains
1 - how to uncover CLOGGED DRAINS LAUNDRY
If drainage is slow but not completely blocked, open the hot water tap for 5 to 10 minutes. This often opens the drain.
If flushing the hot water did not open the sluggish drain, try a chemical for obstructions that is safe for the environment. These cleaners are available in various shapes and are made primarily from caustic soda with bauxite and other ingredients. Read the label on the opener and follow manufacturer's instructions.
Before using any chemical cleaner run the hot water in the sewer line at least 10 minutes.
2 - how to uncover completely clogged DRAINS
Sometimes a clogged sink drain is uncovered using a simple suction cup.
First, remove the drain grate basket
Remove the laundry hamper grid before using a pacifier.
Run hot water until you have about 2 "deep in the laundry.
Take a suction cup plunger and pump directly over the clogged drain. The water in the sink works as a seal. If no suction cup destupe drain in minutes, probably want to move some of the tubes to complete the work.
If you can not drain with the suction cup, place a bowl under the sink trap and remove the cap and shoe cleaning. If the drain is only slightly clogged to quickly enter a few times a screwdriver may solve the problem.
Place a bowl under the trap and remove the cleanout plug.
If not solve the problem with the screwdriver, push a snake-like destupir tape or a drainage tube through the pipe. A drainage tube works best if you rotate, insert a short distance and re-turn again. This enables the drainage tube is inserted deep into the pipe.
After the pipe is uncovered, replace the cap and shoe cleaning. Run hot water through the pipe to remove any buildup.
If the lavatory drain is only slightly clogged, try removing destupirlo drainage grid and enter a short piece of wire to check for hair or other debris.
If this fails try using a pacifier. As the basin has an overflow outlet, you will need to plug it with tape or rags before using a pacifier After plugging the overflow drain, use a pacifier in the same way you would in a common laundry.
plugging the overflow pipes before using pacifier.
If treatment with the wire and the nipple does not work, use a sink or a probe destupir ribbon snake-like locks. You might get it without removing the drain trap.
Sometimes you can clear a clogged drain with a snake-like tape without removing the trap.
If none of these measures work, place a bowl under the sink and remove the trap Cover the chrome nut with tape or cloth to avoid damage to the key.
Cover chrome nuts with tape to avoid damaging them.
Loosen the thumbscrew on the plumber's snake-like tape and move the handle back about 3 '
Insert the tape type snake in the drain, turn the tube, feed and re-spin again. This allows you to enter more deeply into the drain pipe snake-like ribbon.
Loosen the wing and move the handle about 3 'from the end of the snake-like ribbon.
4 - how to uncover BATH DRAINS
To unclog bathtub drains, try to drain hot water, pacifier or chemical method. Remember to plug the overflow outlet before using a pacifier.
If chemical treatments, hot water or a pacifier does not uncover the clogged drain, need to remove the trap below the tub. If the tub is on the first floor and features narrow space or access to the pipes from the basement, it may be relatively easy.
In the old house this trap will drum which has a removable top. Often the top is affected by corrosion and can be very difficult to remove. Apply penetrating oil to the top and let be for a few minutes. Then use a big wrench to remove the top. If this procedure fails, it may be necessary to use a hammer and punch to finish the job.
The drum trap is usually mounted under the tub.
a tubular trap.
bathtubs new homes usually have a tubular trap. The bottom. The bottom of this trap can be removed by removing the two large nuts that hold it in place. Before turning these nuts hang a pot under the trap to collect water that may be in the trap.
Once you have removed the trap or the cover, look for debris in the trap and piping leading to and from the trap. In bathtubs, drainage obstructions hair and soap are very common. It would be a good idea to use a pair of rubber gloves.
After uncovering and reseal the drain for a few minutes run hot water through the drain. This lets you check the operation of the drainage and remove any debris remaining in the drain.
5 - How to Unclog A clogged toilet
In most cases you can uncover a clogged toilet using a ball-type pacifier A pacifier regular suction cup can rarely do the job (B). A force ball type plunger puts much more pressure to unclog toilets that get the regular kind.
Use a force ball type plunger to clear a clogged toilet.
When using a pacifier, make sure you have enough water in the toilet.
If the nipple does not clear the clogged drain, use a toilet tube. Start with the snake-like tube or tape on the cup and continue to rotate until it becomes tight. This action usually turning and pulling out the object causing the obstruction.
Use a tube of toilet if the power ball plunger does not clear the toilet.
toilet If the probe fails, use a small snake-like ribbon in the same manner indicated to unclog a sink drain.
If the pacifier, the probe toilet or snake-like ribbon remove the obstruction, it might be necessary to remove the toilet from the floor, cranking the bottom up and you get the blocks from above or the bottom.
If you need to remove the toilet from the floor, use an annular seal preformed wax or plumber's putty to reseal fresh toilet.
6 - how to uncover clogged drain
In old buildings there are three basic causes for clogged drains. They are leaving an excess of mortar in the joints of pipes into the ground. roots of trees and plants. and broken pipes.
The excess mortar in the joints of pipes in the ground can cause a buildup of waste.
often roots for water entering the pipes through the joints.
both old buildings as new, broken pipes allow the entry of foreign matter in the drainage system. This is a common cause of obstruction.
broken pipes in the ground can lead to clogging.
often clogged drains in new construction is limited to broken pipes or a design or poor construction. Using the wrong connections during construction, or allowing too little slope in the drain outlet can cause the same block.
To clear a clogged drain, place a container immediately below the cleanout plug. Loosen the plug just enough to allow water flow and debris into the container.
Turn the wheel to the right as you roll it and push forward.
When they have drained all the water and debris, remove the cap and insert a cleaning tape.
Turn the wheel to the right as you roll it and push forward into the sewer.
toilet Probe Pacifier Sucker Suction Cup Ball type Penetrating Oil Power Annular Seals - Assorted Sizes Work Gloves Hammer Plumbing Keys to Unclog Drains Chemical Snake Belt Plumber type or drainage tube graphite gasket or Plastic Vase Hand Cleaner Galvanized Chisel Point or Flat Hacksaw Drain Cleaning Tape
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