Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Feet Swell After I Drink

28 - August - 2010 The Gutres (2545 m)

Most times, we usually know in advance where we're going to start the weekend, but we had not planned anything for this and not thought out, so I was so quiet Friday at work when there is a Pisapraos late and I proposed something I can not say "No".
I suggested we make a short march and then as a finale, take a bath. I was delighted to accept this plan, call other colleagues and we were on Saturday early morning.
This is starting to not fit, if we go for a walk why we were so soon ", but one is very innocent and it is believed a march cortita.
Later, when we come to the meeting and see people that has been presented, thinks: "What ride do not believe anyone today we expect a good," and indeed it did, the ride has become a lady up .
But I must say that all responded as expected and the march was worth it.

We left the platform and headed for a very good rate to rise to Barrerones for more later start the descent to the Laguna Grande. Just before reaching the lake, turn right and take the path that leads to the Five Lakes .

When we reached the top, before beginning the descent to the entrance to Gargantón, we stopped for a moment and oteamos the landscape. Luis climbs to the top of some rocks and starts to scan the horizon. This smells bad to me, something is afoot.
Normally you'd go to the Portilla del Rey by the normal way, but having other ways to go for the easiest, is to complicate things a bit .

Instead of going down to the entrance of Gargantón and take the path of the Portilla del Rey, we took a shortcut that leads directly over the Gargantón (pictured), and from there we glimpse a canal that leads up to the Portilla.

At first we tried to make a channel that seemed less steep, but changed mind and veered abruptly taking another channel (quite steep) going direct to the Portilla del Rey .

The rise Pisapraos in full by the above channel.

We're almost in the Gate .

Portilla In the middle we get the map to see how we go to the Gutres. We decided that we will drive to the lake's first Gutres.

We have before our eyes, The Cliffs of Gutres .

descend to the lake .

And from this point, climb the quarry that lies just before us. As we can see, there is still some snow field in this time of year .

Without further ado, we begin the climb up the channel that will take us to the top of Gutres.
The climb is fairly steep and is expensive but ...

eventually got our goal, the summit.
But my eyes Pisapraos behind it is the Galana, as Luis turns his back and see, certainly suggests that since we are so close to her would be a big mistake not to upload.
said and done, the Pisapraos saw the Galana and direct our steps towards her .

descend a few feet, looking for the best path among the rocks and find the way that some take to the Venteadero and others to the top of the Galana .

The Pisapraos on the rise to the Galana.
After a few moments of contemplation of the landscape from the top of the Galana, descend and go in search of other comrades who did not want to climb this peak and have already begun the descent down the Canal of Geographers.

Venteadero Alto.

spent at the base of Paul's Road Ameal Elola Refuge.

The March is drawing to a close, the ride has become a lady up and the bathroom or talk, and take him home when we arrive, though you will have to take a beers.


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