Agricultural Center "The Farm" belonging to regional SENA Tolima and is located in the town of Espinal, in the village Dindalito center, located five miles on the right side of the road Espinal - Ibague. Has a unit of fish, belonging to the sub sector animal husbandry sector in the area of \u200b\u200blivestock.
The unit has nine fish ponds, six of 240 M 2 of ponds, one with 440 M 2, 880-M other 2 and a large pond of 3000 M 2. For a total of 5760 M 2 mirror of water, has a channel open , which captures the water from the irrigation district usocoello.
Recalling something the past, they had great difficulty in the beginning of work in farming, because even though the ponds were never able to produce some kind of fish. With great effort he began the project fish, about eight years ago and fortunately the results were positive, from every point of view, economically, socially, in pedagogy, in the environmental and labor so that gave continuity and today is a very consistent drive to the claims of the agricultural center.
To strengthen unity at the beginning, training was essential and comprehensive training model - production gave impetus and drive category, step today to training for work with model SENA - company and the unit continues with its policies intact. Development of the individual as a human and individual professional development of fish farming.
The water quality parameters of the unit were as follows: Dissolved oxygen in water, from 3 - 5 ppm / liter, temperature between 26 to 29 degrees Celsius Turbidity of 30 inches deep, (good), pH 7 - 7.5; replacement of 33%, 32% Mortality; production cycle time of 180 days; Conversion food of 1: 1.6; Planting density 3 fish / M 2. .
The species used were: black Cachama, in particular what is best for meat production, the Pacu, very good converter but somewhat delicate Red Tilapia, the queen of the fish, very cute, tasty and appetizing; Tilapia silver has not had much acceptance in the agricultural center, the goldfish, beautiful animal but some penalize its flavor mirror carp, along with black pacu, excellent animal Bocachico was not good; Nicuro was bad experience, in the hopes of some planting day and the Jammu species, bream, catfish, among others. Although today is grown in mono culture have become exercises in poly sow crops, and provided the results were better development of fish culture in mono.
The unit, initially, the driving instructor - adviser to the farming unit, with the aide of a fellow officer and accompanying field of youth apprentices, who were given the responsibility of management and production of fish for what to do from the arrangement and alignment of the ponds to harvest fish, through the planting, management in the pre breeding feedlot fattening I and II, the capture and gutting process, marketing and the ultimate test, the workshop "quality of fish meat." Where always checked and found that the product that SENA and in particular that the unity of fish produced was of very good quality.
Today in the training system has been implemented, the young, can not observe all production processes, as they sow not reap, which has brought some difficulties for the professional development of the learner. However with the new technologies has facilitated the training of the apprentice and can access a larger world of knowledge, which makes it possible not to leave limited in their field.
is a good alternative to produce fish, you can note that: From a nutritional standpoint, is the meat of higher protein content and better biological, this protein, it is better and easier digestibility other meat, exceeding 90% while the others remain at the 60%, a fact which makes that a gram of fish flesh is the cheapest in the market, the productivity per unit area is higher in fish species than other species; The economic benefit is good, coming in cases to 50% return, lower the cost of the basket to the farmer and offers food of high biological value, economic and permanently to the family table. Used to properly manage the waters of the region, preventing all water reaching the rivers to cause flooding and damage seen in every winter, improving the environment and value over the premises, and finally, gives us a source employment for the field, which today is in poor condition.
As all good things, it can be improved, we have proposed the construction of the fish station, for playback of warm water species, such as pacu, tilapia, and carp bocachico; is a dream and now has the support of the local and national government. And even more, to improve fish farming unit is analyzing the possibility of starting to grow ornamental fish, which would give the unit and agricultural center "La Granja" enhancement and the learner more opportunities to visualize alternatives for the moment going to work.
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