La empresa piscícola se fundamenta en el recurso, agua. Entre más agua, más posibilidad de una mayor y mejor producción; entre el agua sea de mejor calidad, con más veras, podemos esperar resultados mas favorables en la empresa piscícola.
El recurso agua es primordial en el desarrollo de la empresa piscícola, se debe de tener claro y la seguridad de contar con este recurso. Ante todo ver si hay availability of water intake to what to apply for a grant with the Office of the Autonomous Regional Corporation (Cortolima, for our area), with the aim of having everything in law, there will also provide guidance on the regulations governing fish farming companies. Another point to consider is to determine the flow and volume of water available to project the number of fish handling and lastly, the amount of fish meat to be produced.
As mentioned, water resources, plays a pivotal role in the fish business, so you must analyze the chemical, physical and biological it, the truth is that with these positive points for fish farming, work and produce fish is easy, enjoyable, anti stressful and quite profitable.
Water Quality.
The water quality is determined from three aspects: chemical, biological and physical, these three aspects form a triad, which must remain in balance and that failure of the three, quality water and thus decrease production will be negatively affected.
1) Chemical Aspects.
a. oxygen. The element of greatest impact on fish production, as for all the metabolic processes of animal needs oxygen. to carry out its functions in development, reproduction, fattening, survival, and so on. Without oxygen the fish and all organisms and micro organisms that live in water, they die. Low oxygen with these organisms will suffer disease and underdevelopment, especially the fish have been observed, Low oxygen that do not eat, what leads to malnutrition, underdeveloped body, low in organic defenses, high mortality, among other diseases.
The amount of dissolved oxygen in the water that fish need warm weather to optimum production is 5 ppm / liter of water, very favorable range for fish, if it exists in the 1st 4ppm/litro of water the fish can survive, but slow its growth, the more logical bit more oxygen slows, fewer fish may be planted and more likely to get sick, in waters less than 1ppm/litro of dissolved oxygen is lethal to the fish.
production of oxygen in the pond is given by the amount of water you have, for the replacement of water in the basin, through photosynthesis of microorganisms, by sunlight, altitude, by atmospheric pressure, temperature and salinity.
Under normal conditions, the dissolved oxygen in the water, comes with a high concentration during the day and a decline in hours of the night, especially at dawn, which is why you must see the pond at this time to determine if the pond can sustain that number of fish, this number biomass, or whether instead should be to remove or reduce the amount of fish.
The easiest way to determine if it has a good amount of oxygen in the pond, it is observed the behavior of the fish, if fish swim parallel to the surface of the water are calm and most likely are hungry, if they are quiet and in a diagonal position relative to the surface and with the mouth almost out of water, accurately will have very low concentration of oxygen in the water.
A good amount of oxygen dissolved in water is accomplished with a good maturation of the waters, as favored phytoplankton production, an adequate number of fish, mostly by size, ideal water exchange and water movement.
Low oxygen can be: high plankton production or maturation of the waters, sea salt may decrease the rate of 300 to 500 g / M 3 water for a day and carry water exchange.
For a high density of fish and low water exchange, can be solved by removing fish from the pond and adding water to it. By vegetation and a layer of plankton in the water surface preventing the oxygenation and the passage of sunlight, can be solved water exchange with the capture of plants and herbivorous fish. Also, we have , low oxygen and high temperature and / or water turbidity, which is corrected by replacement of water by chemical factors as much carbon dioxide, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates, low pH salinity, they can all be solved with water exchange and with a good pond management consists of drawing water from the pond bottom to the replacement fund control sludge, aerating the water with the waves on the surface of the pond with mechanical aerators.
b. Potential Hydrogen or pH. is the value given by the amount of hydrogen ions, indicates whether water is acidic (values \u200b\u200bless than 7) or basic (values \u200b\u200bgreater than 7), the ideal is a neutral water (of 7). The fish can live and produce in a range of 6 to 9 pH.
values \u200b\u200bless than 4 over 11, and waters are very acidic or very basic, and cause serious injury in fish and prolonged exposure can be lethal, they are toxic to fish 4 to 5 no fish growth. 5 to 6 and 9 to 11 the performance is very poor. When you have a very acid pH (values \u200b\u200bof 3 or less) corrected by adding lime in values \u200b\u200bof 4 to 6 should be added or agricultural lime and a basic pH is corrected with the application of an acid fertilizer, this in no fish, ie at the time of the adequacy of pond for planting.
c. Carbon Dioxide . This molecule is the result of the breathing process carried out by plant and animal organisms in the absence of sunlight, so it is normal to have in the pond, their role is to be the initial molecule in the process photosynthesis that will generate oxygen to the environment and food plants.
Consider that if the fish have no "mouthing", ie lacking oxygen, carbon dioxide levels are normal or low. For the oxygen molecule repels the carbon dioxide molecule and vice versa.
carbon dioxide must occur to increase oxygen levels produced by phytoplankton during the day, but be careful at night so that this oxygen is not consumed in its entirety and cause death to fish.
D. Ammonia - Nitrite and Nitrate. are products of the degradation of the protein from the organic matter in the lake, by the organic waste from fish, and are located at the bottom of the pond next to the mud. All three compounds we produce a reduction of dissolved oxygen in water, pH value decreased turning water into a highly acidic.
The increase of ammonia, nitrites and nitrates can solve it with a spare water that is always on the bottom of the pond, reducing the maturation pond salt and water exchange partial (50%), cleaning the sludge tank them when dried, limed to bring the pond to planting.
e. alkalinity and hardness. Given the concentration of bases in the water represented by carbonate and bicarbonate ions and hardness by the concentration of calcium and magnesium ions.
recommended levels for the production of aquatic organisms are those that have similar values, ie one is not too high and one low.
classified Hardness: Soft Water 0 - 75 mg / l, moderately hard from 75 to 150 mg7l and lasts from 150 to 300 or more mg / l.
alkalinity serves as a substance neutralized acidity and for balancing the pH of pond water.
2) Physical Aspects.
i- Temperature: in fish farms warm weather is essential to have an optimum temperature so that the fish grow faster and reduce production cycle. Because fish are poikilothermic and take the temperature of your body according to their means, we need cold water, the fish has a low metabolism and hardly eats, while in warmer waters is very active eats a lot and develops faster.
The ideal temperature for the fattening of fish is between 26 and 29 degrees Celsius for both the tilapia as pacu. At lower levels pacu bad acts, not growing and may die, tilapia tolerate levels up to 20 degrees Celsius but its development is very slow. Very high temperature values \u200b\u200bproduce low levels of oxygen that can lead to death of the fish if there is prolonged exposure. To lower the temperature must be to make a spare water to ponds or move deeper water. To increase the temperature reaches the pond must have a water reservoir, making the pond shallower and the water exchange is not very strong.
ii- Turbidity. Given the material in suspension in the water either organic or mineral.
to study, say that the turbidity good is given by the amount of plankton in the water there and that gives the greenish color to the pond, turbidity is not recommended soil particles and other materials that are mixed in water . The first generation of oxygen and food for fish and serves as a protection for predators and to avoid permanent light stresses the fish.
The turbidity, measured with a metal disk painted in white and black in alternating quadrants or can be tested with a ring or a coin shine highlight color. Any object placed in the water and if it disappears in less than 10 inches considered that there are high turbidity, it should make replacement salt water or apply a rate of up to 500 grams per cubic meter. If it disappears at 30 cm is good turbidity and no need to fertilize the pond, but if it is deeper and the background is no turbidity, in this case you should fertilize your pond, it grows red tilapia in this medium.
iii- Color. is given by the incidence of light and water impurities. A green color is due to phytoplankton blooms. Coffee with the presence of decaying plant. Iron gives a red coloration.
Water Quantity
As important as the quality of water is the amount of it. We have two aspects, one is the volume of water to be contained in the pond and the other is the flow of water with which account.
a. - Volume water. Is given by the length and width so deep, so we give in cubic meters.
b. - Flow. is given by the amount of water passing for a particular site on a certain unit of time, their names are cubic meters / minute or liters per second.
The input flow into the pond we can measure with a graduated bucket and a watch with second hand or stopwatch. Take the bucket is placed over the inlet tube and is filled with water, as soon as you start filling until the filling is made determines the time expenditure, which gives us x amount of liter on and number of seconds, by splitting results give us so many liters / second.
c. - Replacement of water. refers to the time when you can fill a tank and is given by the ratio of the volume of water flow. We have that if a pond is filled in one day there will be a 100% replacement, which is the ideal, if it is filled in two days, turnover is 50% and so on. (Divide 100 in the number of days when you fill the pond).
According to spare you can determine the density of fish, in monoculture and 100% replacement: Red Tilapia 4 to 6 fish / M 2 or banking Cachama 1 - 1.5 fish / M 2. According turnover is greater density may be Otherwise more and planting density decreases.
If you want to know, that flow is needed to fill the pond, and used to be 5 fish per square meter of water surface, it must take the volume of the tank and divide by 86.4, which is a constant.
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