Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Diagram Of A Deck Boat

Tomata waterfall

tomata The cascade is a beautiful waterfall of more than 23 m . with a beautiful environment full of vegetation. You can watch the formation of beautiful rainbow that make this place a true wonder. This update has already a couple of weeks, is that I have not been easy to update the blog from Mexico so I will be removing several stories of my trip.

Tomata waterfall is a perfect 23 m. drop, with beautiful scenary, full of vegetation. Puede contemplar the formation of rainbows .... Things of this all make this place a true wonder.
This and more old updates Are Coming now, I have not much time in Mexico Had to write so here it goes now!

in the local Mexican bus
to Atzalan.
The life is good, yesterday we went to paddle the Big Banana section with Gael, gave us a ride from Aventurec to the entrance, we paddled across the river and left on the bridge of the tomato. From there we had to look for life to return home, safe road about 25km, so we stopped at a bus, this we charge 10 pesos per person (60 cent. Euro) with boats and paddles and left us in front of the door Aventurec. We did so well and it was so cheap to go to row bus, the next morning a little earlier we were on the road waiting to pass another truck, pay another 10 dollars and came up with the kayaks on the bus once again, as I love this country! Life

smiles to us, yesterday I paddled Big Banana section with my friend Gael, aventurec gave us a ride to the put-in, then paddled all the river and take-out at tomata bridge. Then we had to figure out how to come back home, something like 25 km. by foot was not an option. We failed on the first bus stop, but get in to the second, paid 10 pesos and went straight to aventurec with the kayaks and the paddles, no problem!
So the next morning we didn't even asked for a ride in aventurec, we just went to the road and took the first bus we saw. Love this country!

Aniol y Gael camino
 a la cascada de tomata
con camión!
Mexican locals smiling to
the girls.
cobra getting in to the
Dandole el scouting
choosing the middle line as normally.
Tomata paradise!
putting the nose down.
I had a pretty good line Kept the boat straight with the right angle and all DURING the fall, Then throwed the paddle away and Grabbed my spry-deck. Due to low water, the usual Than Was Hard Impact anyway I Was happy for my line and for no injuries.

I had a very good line, keeping the boat straight and right angle throughout the fall, for receiving shot moments before the blade and grabbed me by my cover. This is a very good entry into the water is softer, the blade and parts not normally no te salta el cubre.

throwing the paddle away and
trying to plug.

 Gael went after me, but he followed the left line. He ended up boofing It, but with 0 injuries. We gave a look at Tomata 2 and were pretty fired up on running it but we finally remembered we still have to take a bus home. 
Gael Caride
giving it all.
 Gael fue justo después me, choosing the liínea on the left. Boof the waterfall just slightly but with a line without any consequences or injuries.

Another beautiful shot of myself In tomata I.
by Joel Kowalski.
Cobra scouting one of the best rapids in Mexico with the beautiful Tomata
I in historical back.

Thanks to Nina Kuehnle, Netta Hansnar, Joel Kowalski, Thank you!


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