The Conference organized by the Psychosocial Module San Inazio and consulting Sortzen , took place on April 22 at the premises of Bolunta in Bilbao.
were received over 300 entries and local had a maximum capacity of 110 people, so I apologize to those you could not be with us / you.
- Begoña Ortuondo, BBK representative with social relations,
- Nekane Alonso, Concejala Delegada del Área de Igualdad, Cooperación y Ciudadanía del Ayto. de Bilbao
- Mariola Serrano, Directora de la Unidad de Víctimas de la Violencia de Género del Gobierno Vasco
- Itziar Cantera, Psicóloga del Servicio de Mujer del Módulo Psicosocial de Deusto - San Inazio
- Norma Vázquez, Psicóloga y Directora de Sortzen Consultoría, especialista en violencia de género y empoderamiento de las mujeres.
then Pilar Sampedro presented his paper "I love you, love me well." Pilar Sampedro is a Psychologist and Sexologist Youth Council of Asturias.
Make Marisa Otadui and Irigoyen, Specialist Secondary Teachers Coeducation, tell us your experiences on " equal education and violence prevention in secondary schools. "
Finalmente se presentaron los materiales de prevención realizados por Sortzen Consultoría: folletos desplegables para chicas y para chicos y una Guía en formato CD interactivo para profesorado. La presentación corrió a cargo de Itziar Gandía y Norma Vázquez, de Sortzen.
Para visualizar el resto de fotografías of the Day, click this link: Photo of the Day
__________________________________________________ UPDATE: Partners of ZUBIAK ERAIKITZEN have some videos uploaded to youtube Day and its blog (Mila esker!). You can see them all if you go here:
Para visualizar el resto de fotografías of the Day, click this link: Photo of the Day
__________________________________________________ UPDATE: Partners of ZUBIAK ERAIKITZEN have some videos uploaded to youtube Day and its blog (Mila esker!). You can see them all if you go here:
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