09 - April - 2011 Pte Roncesvalles and Fte. Pisapraos group in the source of the Majanillos, place from which you can see one of the most breathtaking views of the Sierra de Gredos .
last Thursday when I phoned a group member to ask if we were to leave and I said yes and that the path we had prepared was important as a source of Majanillos, was delighted because it is a place that I really wanted to know. So said and done, the march had to be prepared to make a different path than other times .
usually go to this place, we usually go out or from the Bridge of the Boards, or from the Platform of Gredos, but this time we would change the course and would come out from the Bridge Navalperal de Tormes.
continue to rise for the right bank of the Gorge to lower Laguna Grande, a way that few people before the group had made .
It is a very smooth without any complications and no major increase, and always runs parallel to the river .
Bridge to circumvent other throat.
At this time of year, and because the remaining snow is melting, the gorges down with water.
the background we have the peak or Cervunal Head Nevada.
very close to one of our first destinations ...
Bridge Roncesvalles.
Once we crossed the bridge, we went to see a waterfall in the throat, which now tends to drop with water and are impressive .
the Gorge Waterway to the bottom Cervunal .
Water power is in full swing .
We left the rucksacks and we have to go down to the base of the waterfall.
few moments off to enjoy the moment.
In some sections, the rocks are slippery, but carefully lowered y. ..
stopping at each step of the cascade to us a couple of pictures .
We retraced our steps, we will cross back over the bridge of Roncesvalles and from there it will take the path that takes us to the Source of The Majanillos .
But we have to overcome before the climb up the Col Weaver (or Collado Roof), a rise that is harder than it looks and ultimately some we was a bit long, but good at the end was achieved .
Collado Check the top of Weaver.
Now if we have very little, from the hill, take a path that will lead us without delay to the source.
But as we quite high, always in our walk we observed some beautiful views across the central massif de Gredos with all snowy peaks.
The first members of the group getting to the source of Majanillos.
where we stop to eat something and take our coffee, enjoying the scenery and the fantastic day we ago.
Group photo at the Source of Majanillos.
not go down the same road, but we decided to make the circular path, for it just off the power back, we took a trail that leads to a forest track that will link later with another track that leads to the Charco de las Paredes .
But we quickly leave this trail and cross country we will take up to a hill where there are fences .
For from there, downloaded directly to meet again with the stream of water coming down from the Laguna Grande .
Once we have the runway in sight, we must go to seek the way but this morning we walked the other way .
But before we make a brief stop for some liquid, since it's quite warm.
We are about to complete the march, hoping that they did not know the pisapraos this area, they have liked.
Now we just get to Hoyos and prepare to take a good portion of his ear to the plate with a cold beer .